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  • blakehodson29

The End Is Insight!

Updated: May 10, 2022

This time we've got a double dose of what the AR is focusing on!

AR Team

As AR Team heads toward the finish line, we have begun focusing on implementation and functionality within the Hoverlay space to guarantee a satisfying and immersive experience. Many of the team is focusing on importing all assets we plan to use. In order to push our message in an effective way, we have designated spaces within Hoverlay where “beacons” of information will be provided to the reader, along with 3D production and audio that guides the user throughout. As you navigate the garden with your device, you can rotate and observe the detailed 3D models created within the space. Each separate zone will be decorated with additional images to further elaborate on the highlighted techniques and methods the garden provides. As users discover the different aspects of CSUN’s Sustainability Garden in person, the AR provides a deeper layer of what processes the vegetation undergoes here. In addition, we are now in the stage of pinpointing specific locations within the designated space so the garden can be easy to navigate, even for users without prior AR knowledge. This stage is a lot of troubleshooting for us to see what works and what doesn't as we navigate within the space. To make this experience easy, we plan to utilize Hoverlay’s in-app features to start the experience rather than QR codes.

Image 01: The area where the hoverlay tour is located

This can allow us to display the information we need effectively without having to waste further resources, taking every chance we can to make this project as green as possible.

-Christian Garzala

AR Team Continued

The AR team has been working hard to produce 3D models for the experience and also developing new ideas to make interactivity and information consumption fun for the user. With almost all the information beacons ready we are just polishing up the writing and look of them. We have also been hard at work pinpointing where everything should go within the space so that the users have the best experience exploring and learning. Some of the fruits and vegetables are too difficult to scan with the iPhone therefore I went into a 3D modeling software (Maya) to create them from scratch, such as an Arugula leaf.

Image 02: 3d Model of an arugula leaf

It was a fun task to create an Arugula asset from scratch and to then see it be used for the AR project. It has been an interesting and educational experience working on a semester-long project, I have improved my skills working on a team and communicating where we each are on the project. Overall the experience has been very informative and I am thankful for the opportunity. I am very excited to see it all come together as each team is finishing up their parts.

-Jose Castillo

Web Team

Over the course of the last week, we’ve made a fair amount of progress on both the game and the website itself. For the website, we’ve been collecting each group's blog posts and putting them together for each week. We ended up falling a bit behind since everyone has been so busy working on other parts there hasn’t been time for them to write them. As for the game progress is coming along well; the assets are slowly reaching completion along with the code for the game itself. It shouldn’t be too much longer before it’s done and ready to be added to the website.

-Blake Hodson


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